Tango Argentino Beginners Course

Mittwoch, 11. Dez. 2024
Von 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr
Von 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr
Künstlergasse 14/1
1150 Wien
1150 Wien

Erstellt von:
Tango Argentino, Yoga & Body-Mind Well-Being
Tango Argentino, Yoga & Body-Mind Well-Being
Learn the Tango Argentino fundamentals the easy way, even if it's the first time you dance or if you think you have two left feet.
It's not required to attend with a dance partner. Just bring a good attitude and an open mind to learn and co-create a good atmosphere for all.
Wednesday 18:00-19:20
Afterwards there's a guided practice until 20:00, where you get feedback to embody better what you learned
Künstlergasse 14/1, 1150
The course takes place on a weekly basis until Dec 11th.
Further info and registration at www.jessicagerdel.com
Facebook/Instagram: Abrazatango
Newsletter: www.jessicagerdel.com/#newsletter
Don't we know each other yet?
My name is Jessica Gerdel. I'm a Tango Argentino certified instructor and Yoga teacher, graduated from the University of Tango in Buenos Aires and with further training in somatic education.
I facilitate workshops for Body-Mind Integration and wellbeing through tango argentino and conscious movement, and organize cultural immersion experiences in Argentina and other Latin American countries.
Currently based in Vienna, I offer weekly courses, thematic workshops and private lessons on demand, and organize events like the Abrazatango Milonga Itinerante which takes place at varied locations (calendar on my website).
Check out jessicagerdel.com and my Facebook and Instagram (Abrazatango) to get a feel of what I do.
Looking forward to meeting you!

Weitere Treffen von
Tango Argentino, Yoga & Body-Mind Well-Being