Tango Argentino, Yoga & Body-Mind Well-Being
Build a deeper connection to yourself and others through body awareness, joyful movement and dance
I help people find their sometimes hidden talents for moving, dancing and enjoying themselves through tango argentino, yoga and somatic education practices.
Previously based in Buenos Aires-Argentina and now in Vienna, I offer private and group lessons regularly and organize events and gatherings for people to connect with other tango and movement enthusiasts.
Wie bist du zu deinem Thema oder deiner Tätigkeit gekommen?
My personal experience with tango and my research on sociology of the body and anthropology of the senses led me to dive into the connections between body, mind, emotions, identity and culture –as what we do with our bodies has great power on how we perceive ourselves, relate to others and navigate the world.
I’m a certified instructor of Tango Argentino, Yoga (including specializations on yogatherapy and Kundalini Laya yoga), Dance/Movement-Therapy practitioner and social scientist.
That way I got involved with somatic education and the potential of movement, arts and dance for personal development and relational skills.
My present work focuses on wellbeing through conscious movement, using the potential of body awareness and dance to help people connect better with themselves and others.
You're welcome to check out more of what I do on my Website and social media (Abrazatango on Facebook and Instagram) and to subscribe to my Newsletter to stay tuned at jessicagerdel.com/#newsletter
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